Thursday, January 7, 2010

God's Time

Transferred..... from 9/29/07

So some of you know I have been questioning a lot about my life lately. Not about who I am. Just about where I am going. What I am doing. And I am, so far, not getting any answers.

I know that God will provide me with the answers I seek, but I just don't know how to tell when it is him. Call it a lack of faith, or my own weakness, or whatever you want, but I just can't figure out if he is giving me an answer or not.

I have read every bible verse I can find on the subject. I have talked to friends who I know can give me Godly advice. But all I keep finding is the same thing: "He will show you the way." "He will guide you on your path." "Walk with Him and all will be good."

I know all of this. And I do have faith. I know he will guide my path. I know he will give me the answers I desire. But how do I know when it is Him? How do I know that it is Him speaking to me, and not just my own thoughts? And if I do know it is Him, how do I know if this is what he wants for me permanently or temporarily?

I guess my issue is that I really feel like I am where I am supposed to be in life. But does that mean that this is what I am supposed to do with my life? Or does that mean that I am doing a good job in the situation I am in at this point in my life? How do I tell the difference?

I feel like I am going insane. I don't know where to go for answers. I have gone to His word. Maybe He just isn't ready for me to have the answer yet. But what if the answer effects other major decisions in my life?

I want to be patient, but there are things I need to take care of. I know my time ultimately does not matter. His does. He will answer me in His time. I just wish I understood. To understand the one thing I can never fully understand… go figure.

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