Transfered.... from 9/6/07
Today I went to Wal-Mart. I was excited to see the very first spot open, so I quickly turned my car into the spot. I was on the phone with my good friend Linda. So I planned to talk to her for another minute or so and then hang up and go inside to do my shopping.
That's what I planned on.
As I pulled into the spot, I saw a woman getting her children out of the car in the spot in front of me. She started screaming cuss words into the car!
I thought to myself "surely, there is an adult in the car she is screaming at, but I can't believe she would use that word in front of her child!"
As I am on the phone with my friend, trying to mind my own business, I can't help but notice what is going on in front of me.
Not only is this woman screaming into the car, now she has the whole upper half of her body inside the car. For a moment, this is slightly comical. To see the large blue bulge sticking out of the car, moving back and forth as she screams obscenities.
To my surprise and dismay, I soon realized she was not talking to an adult at all.
She starts to quickly back her upper half out of the car. First her stomach, then her left shoulder and arm, then her head, and her right shoulder. Then she moves a bit quicker, and yanks her right arm out of the car. But wait… she has something in her hand.
It's a small child. she yanks the child out of the car by only his arm, shaking him as she screams. Then she bangs him up against the car, his feet lifted completely off the ground, his arm up in the air, connected to hers.
After throwing him against the car, she drops him. He hits the ground, crying. She cusses some more and tells him that that will teach him to get out of the car next time, then gives me a dirty look and walks into the store with her three children.
First of all, what am I supposed to do here? I couldn't talk to the woman…I feared for my own safety! So I called the police. They said they would send someone out. Who knows if they did.
How are people like this allowed to have children? You should have to take a psych evaluation before you are allowed to take your children home from the hospital.
How could you possible treat a child like this? I just don't understand. I look into the eyes of my beautiful little girl and I can't imagine cussing at her, or hitting her. I don't understand how people can do this! It's like my mind doesn't comprehend the concept.
How could you look at that beautiful little boy and think anything but happy thoughts? How do you get to the point of throwing your child up against a car?
And we wonder why there's so much disrespect for the family, so much crime, so many people with so much hatred in their hearts. It's because hate is all they have ever known.
Where you and I knew love, they knew hate. This is how they know how to show their emotions. To this little boy, this is his reality. Emotions are not shown with hugs and kisses. They are shown with hits and kicks.
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