Thursday, January 7, 2010

God's Halloween Lesson

Transferred..... from 11/1/07

I realized last night while trick or treating how incredibly blessed children are with the knowledge of God. I was amazed at my daughter's knowledge of God and how to be like him. I want to be like God, just like many of you do, but she truly understands it much more than I do.

We were going from house to house on one side of the street trick or treating. I was paying attention to the "please"s and "thank you"s. She was paying attention to the candy.

When we were about half done with trick or treating a group of about ten kids came to a door at the same time as us. They were all together, so we let them go first. Then they ran to the house across the street and we went to the house next door. By the time we got to the door and rang the doorbell the kids from the first house were back to our side of the street and pushing their way in front of my daughter.

This happened about 3 more times before she started to get annoyed. Finally after one of the houses, she says to me "Mommy, those kids aren't very nice!"

I said to her, "I know, but we will just let them go first. They must be in a hurry. It doesn't matter if we are first or last, the people in the house will have enough candy for all of you."

Then the conversation switches from me teaching my daughter a lesson on patience to her teaching me a lesson on life. She says to me "I know mom. They aren't being nice, but I love them anyway because God tells us to love everyone." I am shocked by this statement. Instead of getting upset about not being first in line, my 4 year old decided to love complete strangers who had not shown traits that were deserving of her love. She even suggested that she go give them a hug and tell them that she loves them, but I told her that wasn't necessary.

This was enough of a lesson to me. But it didn't end there. She goes on to say "Mom, they should love God and not their candy. They are only doing that because they love their candy more than they love God. They are acting like those people who loved the gold cow."

Wow. She's 4. Have you ever heard the song "Jesus Loves the Little Children"? I think the name should be changed to "Jesus Speaks Through the Little Children". Whoever said that God blesses us through our children was right. This is a lesson I think a lot of us need to learn. I am so inspired by her and her blunt honesty and love for her creator and savior. All I can say is wow. How lucky am I to have a child so dedicated to God?

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